Hogan Development Survey
The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) identifies the dark side of the personality and reveals what we see when people are stressed - and is the only business-related inventory that measures these dysfunctional behavioural patterns.
Approx. 15-20 minutes - untimed
All levels of staff
Accreditation Requirement
Hogan assessment accreditation or by GFB providing feedback on the report at an additional cost​.
Product Detail
The Hogan Development Survey assesses eleven personality-based performance risks that impede work relationships, hinder productivity, or limit overall career potential. These career derailers - deeply ingrained in personality traits - can affect an individual's leadership style and actions. When under pressure, most people will display certain counterproductive tendencies or risk factors. Under normal circumstances these characteristics may actually be strengths. However, when an individual is tired, pressured, bored or otherwise distracted, these risk factors may impede effectiveness and erode the quality of relationships with customers and colleagues. For example, a high score on the scale 'Excitable' may indicate a risk of that person displaying moody, easily annoyed, hard to please, emotionally volatile behaviours when under pressure.
The Hogan Development Survey assessment provides valuable feedback for strategic self-awareness, which is the key to avoiding the negative consequences associated with these tendencies.
Features and Benefits
Assesses the personality characteristics that can 'derail' a person when under pressure and so makes a useful assessment when working with senior managers
Concerns characteristics not covered by the Big Five Model of personality
Broad normative base of more than 10,000 working managers
Validated in more than 50 Fortune 500 organisations
We offer the Insight and Potential reports with the Hogan Development Survey. You can view samples of both below:
Download a sample Hogan Development Survey Insight report
Download a sample Hogan Development Survey Potential report
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